Wilmington City Schools’ Board of Education met at 7:15am on Monday, June 24, 2024 in the District’s Central Office to announce the hiring of Timothy Dettwiller as the new Interim Superintendent of Wilmington City Schools. The position came available after the previous Superintendent, Jim Brady, announced his resignation on April 22, 2024 after 2-years into his 3-year contract according to administration.
Dettwiller had previously retired as Superintendent of Fairfield Local School District in July of 2022 where he had served since July of 2018 after spending his first 6-months as Interim Superintendent. Prior to that, Dettwiller’s 35-year career has included time as Superintendent of Madison-Plains Local Schools in London, Ohio, Chief Financial Officer of Springboro Community City Schools, Deputy Auditor for the Ohio Auditor of State’s Office, and Head Wrestling Coach for McClain High School in Greenfield, Ohio.
School Board Member Bill Liermann expressed being impressed at how prepared Dettwiller came to his interview and how he understood the problems Wilmington City Schools faces outside of discipline—including the need to increase graduation rates and test scores (specifically in math and literacy).
“He is a visionary, knows the task at hand, and has ideas on how to make us better. He succeeded at Madison-Plains, and most recently at Fairfield (Leesburg). I have confidence he can do the same thing with Wilmington City Schools,” said Liermann.
Liermann also called attention to Dettwiller’s record of mentoring successors, which is important as an interim employee. “He trained two others who are now superintendents, Matt Unger in Ross County and Keishia McCoy at Fairfield,” said Liermann.
WCS BOE meeting information available at wilmingtoncityschools.com. Learn more by emailing Board President, Marty Beaugard, Senior, at Marty.Beaugardsr@wilmington.k12.oh.us.