Real Change Wilmington sits down with Clinton County Community Action Program (CCCAP) Director Jane Newkirk and Educational Programs Director Teresa Borden to discuss the services that CCCAP offers, upcoming events, and local outreach.
Newkirk has been in her position of Director since 2020 but worked internally in the company several years before accepting the position. She oversees the day to day operations of the entire company, plans events and outings, and works closely with the community to make sure that CCCAP has a strong and welcoming presence in Wilmington. Borden started with CCCAP in 2022, and prior to worked for Fayette County Head Start as their Assistant Director. Borden works closely with the directors of each of their childcare centers, The Erdman Center for Early Learning (Head Start), The Clinton Street Center (ages 3–5), and The Early Learning Center (ages birth–3), to maintain a quality level of care for all the children coming through their doors.
Community Action has been a vital part of Wilmington since 1965 providing housing, childcare, senior services, utility assistance, food pantry and much more. If you are interested in volunteering or utilizing their services reach out to CCCAP at (937) 382-8365, or visiting their office at 789 N. Nelson Ave.