Updated May 2, 2023 at 9:29pm
Below are results for contested candidates and issues only. For full results, visit the Clinton County Board of Elections at https://www.boe.ohio.gov/clinton/election-info/election-night-results/
Republican Primary Candidates
For Mayor
(vote for not more than 1)
John Stanforth - 549 (32.07%)
Pat Haley - 1163 (67.93%)
For Member of Council First Ward
(vote for not more than 1)
Josh Schlabach - 252 (59.29%)
Kelly Tolliver - 173 (40.71%)
For Judge of the Municipal Court
(Vote for not more than 1)
(Unexpired term ending 12-31-2027)
Judy A. Gano - 1638 32.68%
David M. Henry - 2405 47.98%
Brett W. Rudduck - 970 19.35%
Issues Ballot
Proposed Income Tax Wilmington City School District
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage. Shall an annual income tax of 0.75% on the school district income of individuals and of estates be imposed by the Wilmington City School District, for 5 years, beginning January 1, 2024, for the purpose of current expenses and general ongoing permanent improvements?
For the Tax - 1679 46.66%
Against the Tax - 1919 53.34%