Bank Barn Meats is a Clinton County Farmers’ Market staple run by Rachel Jarman alongside her husband and two children. Their family farm specializes in raising lamb meat which is sold at the Clinton County Farmers’ Market and local businesses Kava Haus and Lumberton General Store. The Jarmans also have a large YouTube presence with over 600 subscribers to help the community get a glimpse into the daily operations of their farm and how they care for their lambs. Before COVID, Rachel said she had relatively little experience raising lambs, but through seasons of trial and error, and plenty of help from other farmers, she now has it down to a science.
Rachel was exposed to farming at a young age. “Growing up, my dad and mom raised corn, soybeans, and wheat, and we [raised] 4H animals. That consumed a lot of our summers—raising animals, getting them ready for the fair,” she explained.

After graduating from Wilmington High School, Rachel followed in the footsteps of her parents and grandparents by attending The Ohio State University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in an agriculture-related field. Rachel currently works part-time at Ohio AgrAbility, which she described as, “helping farmers who have incurred injury, illness, or disability get back to farming”. This allows her flexibility to manage her farm while spending time with her children—“they’re only this age once”, she said. One of Rachel’s long-term goals is for her farm to remain in her family for 100 years, earning the title of a Century Farm—a goal she is just 35-years away from achieving.
Hear more of Rachel’s story on episode 44 of our podcast at realchangewilmington.com. Learn more at fb.com/BankBarnMeats.