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2024 C4 Award Winners (Non-Profit)

The Clinton County Community Champions (C4) Awards began in 2020 to honor service and leadership during the pandemic. The event began as a virtual ceremony and has since expanded to be held at the Murphy Theatre. This year, there were 119 nominations for 75 individuals in 7 categories. The winners are chosen based on their commitment to community through a special project or ongoing activities, unselfish leadership and service to others, and an inspiration to others. They are selected by a panel of judges from the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of the Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Cecelia Krusling
Cecelia Krusling

Cecilia Krusling/Habitat for Humanity - Clinton County

Nominated for: Non-Profit, Business

Nominated by: Rose Sikorski

Cecilia’s nominator(s) stated:

“Cecilia Krusling has been President of Habitat for Humanity - Clinton County for a number of years. …Cecilia leads the organization [and] also works at the Restore and has been seen swinging a hammer or a broom at our build sites. Cecilia leads with her heart and her passionate commitment to Habitat for Humanity Clinton County is clear…She brings joy to all she encounters - with a innate 'how can I help' attitude and perspective. She's involved in other activities as well, through her church, the Quilt Guild. Cecilia lives on a small farm and cares for pigs, chickens, cows! She cans, bakes, sews and cares deeply for her family and friends. Her ongoing commitment should be loudly applauded and recognized.”

“Habitat for Humanity - Clinton County [works] tirelessly to build cost effective homes for disadvantaged families in Clinton County…with the goal to complete their 50th home in 2025 when they celebrate 30 years as a non-profit. …100% of the funds needed to build the homes comes from monies from current partner family mortgages, donated as cash or as items sold at our ReStore, from our annual golf outing; selling sandwiches and bean soup at our local festival and our annual fund raising campaign in the Clinton County Community…HFH-CC requires that each family take home buyer and home ownership classes… We have seen family members return to school…resulting in economic stability for themselves as well as increasing the economic status of Clinton County…HFH-CC also provides every family receiving a home the opportunity to build relationships within the community…In 2024, HFH-CC was able to raise and donate over $4000.00 to the Orphans and Vulnerable Groups Fund to provide shelter and other interventions for particularly  vulnerable  communities around the world…”

Eleanor Harris
Eleanor Harris

Eleanor Harris

Nominated for: Non-Profit

Nominated by: Eric Guindon

Eleanor’s nominator(s) stated:

“…Eleanor Harris [is] a remarkable community leader whose selflessness and tireless dedication to improving the lives of others has left a lasting mark on our community. As the founder and now retired director of Harvest of Gold, a literacy-based tutoring program, and Hot Hoops, a mentoring program focused on the physical, mental and spiritual development of youth ages 12-18, Eleanor has devoted her life to serving at-risk students, particularly students of color, and those from low-income backgrounds. Through her unwavering commitment and vision, she has made a profound impact on countless individuals and families. Harvest of Gold stands as a testament to Eleanor’s holistic approach to education. She created a program where literacy is just the beginning—students also receive opportunities for personal empowerment, creative development, and skill-building. The vision that she shares through Harvest of Gold is one that uplifts the entire community, preparing individuals to reach their fullest potential and create a better quality of life for themselves and others.”

Sarah Stevenson [NOT PICTURED]

Nominated for: Non-Profit            

Nominated by: Lee Sandlin, Sugartree Ministries

Sarah’s nominator(s) stated:

“…Sarah’s story is a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of personal experience in effecting positive change within the community. Having faced the harrowing challenges of addiction and homelessness, Sarah has emerged as a beacon of hope for others navigating similar struggles…Since overcoming her personal battles, Sarah has dedicated her life to empowering individuals who find themselves in precarious situations. She works with a local nonprofit organization aimed at providing resources, support, and a sense of community for the homeless. Through this initiative, she helps people with a range of services, including access to food, clothing, and emergency sheltering. Sarah’s impact extends beyond her nonprofit work; she readily shares her story of resilience and hope. By openly discussing her struggles, she breaks down the stigma surrounding addiction and homelessness, encouraging others to seek help and fostering a culture of acceptance. Her willingness to be vulnerable and share her journey inspires countless individuals to take the first step toward recovery…Sarah [is committed] to compassion, community, and change. Her journey from addiction and homelessness to empowerment and advocacy serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit…”

Wilmington Ladies Freestyle Wrestling
Wilmington Ladies Freestyle Wrestling

Wilmington Ladies Freestyle Wrestling (WLFW)

Nominated for: Non-Profit

Nominated by: Scott Eastes

WLFW’s nominator(s) stated:

“WLFW provides a safe and positive environment for aspiring female wrestlers in the local community…In 2024, WLFW provided uniforms, paid the entry fees, travel and food for 25 young ladies from Wilmington, Clinton Massie, and East Clinton to participate in national tournaments in North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky allowing them to compete without the burden of financial restraints.  This sport attracts children and teens that need structure, discipline, self-control, and confidence.  WLFW understands that it is larger than the sport of wrestling and more about giving the young ladies of our community an outlet to show their skills while building a foundation of the aforementioned attributes.  We see improvement in behavior, increased focus on grades, and a boost in confidence and social skills.  Many of these young ladies would not otherwise have the resources or support structure to enter, travel, or compete in these national level tournaments…Ladies Wrestling is currently the fastest growing sport in the nation for high school students [and] WLFW is leading the way in our community to facilitate this growth and support the young ladies of Clinton County.  WLFW is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization with a board of 7 local leaders on a strictly volunteer basis.  Every penny that is donated to the organization goes to support the program.  As a way of giving back for that support, we expect our young ladies to participate in fund raisers and volunteer events.  Last year, they participated in the handing out of over 1000 meals for Thanksgiving and plan to do the same this year.”

Sabina Moose Riders
Sabina Moose Riders

Terry Pinkerton, President/Sabina Moose Riders

Nominated for: Non-Profit                       

Nominated by: Chastity Pinkerton, Sabina Moose Lodge

Terry’s nominator(s) stated:

“The Sabina Moose Riders is a motorcycle riders charity group originated from Sabina, Ohio in April of 2023. The Riders contribute to a lot of local charity rides which is always to raise money for a family, child, veteran, or sick one in need. They also help contribute to a shelter and domestic violence cases. The Riders supply two families with Thanksgiving meals and also provide Christmas for two families. This Christmas they have chosen a family of 6 children who just unexpectedly lost their father. In May of 2024 one of their own riders lost his child and the group donated money and took up a collection to pay for all funeral costs. The Riders attend the Brett Whightman Poker Run every season to support one of our own Clinton County residents who lost his life in the line of duty. The Riders have a bike night twice a month at the local Sabina Moose Lodge which has brought in a lot of revenue to Sabina and the lodge. This also brings in revenue to the Riders to help purchase new items such as picnic tables and things the lodge may need. They also do monthly meals that is also open to the public which is great for the community and the lodge. They also just held a Veteran’s Day dinner and fed the veteran’s free pizza and presented two veterans with plaques.”

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