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027: From City Council to School Board (with Bill Liermann)

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

Left to Right: Dustin Pearce, Bill Liermann, Emily Spencer
Left to Right: Dustin Pearce, Bill Liermann, Emily Spencer

Bill Liermann stopped by the podcast to share about his time on City Council and his upcoming run for School Board.

“I want to see us have an oversight committee appointed—we did this once before. Have citizens at large—a seven person steering committee. I’ll have someone from Port William, someone from Martinsville, somebody from those townships, so they feel like they have a stake—a seat at the table. And they will get a chance to see how the school tax money is being spent.” - Bill Liermann

For full context, please listen to podcast or read his press release below:

February 9, 2023

Today, I filed my petitions with the Clinton County Board of Elections for one of two upcoming seats on the Wilmington City School Board of Education. Education is my passion, as evidenced by my prior time in the school board. A total of 12.5 years during two different tours of duty. Previously, I was a member from 1995-2000, then was appointed to fill a vacancy in 2007 and remained there through the end of 2015, when my term expired. Mike Flanigan, currently serving as a board member, has decided not to run for a four-year team. Mr. Flanigan has encouraged me to pursue a return to the board.

Most recently, I have been a member of [Wilmington] City Council, since December 2016. Presently, I am representing the 3rd Ward and my term on City Council will conclude at years end.

During the past year, several parents and community members approached me about considering a possible return to the local [WCS] school board. After discussing it with my [Hurricane] family and doing some soul searching, I feel a need to try and improve the schools, and decided it's the right thing to do.

'Our schools need improvement', and that is what I hear from many [citizens] and listen to their concerns. We need to improve test scores, better engage the community and most of all regain the trust of the voters. That is evident by the income tax levy failures. Most of all leadership is needed. Hiring Jim Brady as the new superintendent is the first step. Having known Mr. Brady personally for more than 20 years and given his educational background he is the right choice and has the ability to get the job done.

My pledge, or call it my platform, will be this: accountability and transparency. We must hold our building, principals. teachers, and all administrators accountable for their performance. In the public workforce, each of us must perform and, in my opinion, nothing is different in the schools.

Our youngsters [students] are our future leaders. We must do a better job preparing them for future life experiences. Providing the best education possible is what matters and taxpayer's money must be spent wisely. School funding is very complex and we must utilize state and local money where it counts. Once the money is spent, it will not come back.

I have been a resident here since 1978, having been associated with previous superintendents: Rodger Borror, Dr. Charles Dowler, Randy Stortz, Gayle Ferguson, and concluding with Mr. Ron Sexton. My wife Deanna [1979 Alum], and both our sons Steve [2000 Alum] and Scott [2013 Alum] are proud WCS graduates.

We care about the schools. Three times I have been a chairman or co-chair of previous school levy campaigns. Deanna, with the assistance of Buffy Boatman helped organize dances and fundraising projects to generate the money for the sign on Thorne Ave. for Rodger O. Borror Middle School.

I make myself available for dialogue with parents or community members with concerns and I will listen to your opinions. We all must work together to make our schools the BEST they can be. The actual filing deadline is in August, but I am declaring my candidacy early so people know I will be on the ballot. Thank you and remember what Ron Sexton says, 'Once a Hurricane, Always a Hurricane.'


Liermann can be contacted anytime at (937) 302-8060 or by email Please reach out with any questions or concerns for the school board candidate.

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