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017: Wilmington City Schools (3/3): Financials (with Curt Bone & Kim Deweese)

From left to right: Emily Spencer (RCW), Jim Brady (WCS), Carrie Zeigler (WCS), Nikki Quallen (WCS), Sam Woodruff (WCS), Kim Deweese (WCS), Curt Bone (WCS), Dustin Pearce (RCW). Courtesy Photo.
From left to right: Emily Spencer (RCW), Jim Brady (WCS), Carrie Zeigler (WCS), Nikki Quallen (WCS), Sam Woodruff (WCS), Kim Deweese (WCS), Curt Bone (WCS), Dustin Pearce (RCW). Courtesy Photo.

Real Change Wilmington welcomes several members of the Wilmington City Schools administration and Board of Education to sit down and discuss the inner workings of the schools. We discuss topics such as: Leadership, Discipline, Curriculum, Culture, and Financials. To help ease the concerns of many of the citizens of Wilmington who will be voting on the 2023 school levy on May 2, 2023.

In part 3, Financials: RCW talks money with Director of Business Operations Curt Bone and Treasurer Kim DeWeese. When proposing a tax increase on the coming levy it is important to educate the community on where the money is going, what WCS 5 year fiscal forecast looks like, and the repercussions of the levy not being passed. Understanding the financial situation for an institution as big as WCS is vital to make an informed choice when voting on May 2nd.

During all sections we ask each group the same two questions: "What is the value of a public school?" and "What are some ways you can cause change without voting 'no'?" The consensus seems to be that our schools are the backbone of this community. As for creating change without just voting down the levy, many said that parents/guardians could try to be involved, as much as possible, with their student's from going to Board of Education meetings, servings with PTO, or attending extracurricular activities. Maintaining communication is an important for both sides, it allows concerns and questions to get solved and answered.

This podcast is intended to help the city meet and learn the values of Wilmington City Schools. It is important to do your own research and reach out to the schools if you have additional questions. The primaries are on May 2, 2023 and we encourage everyone to get out and vote!

If you want to learn more check out our other two interviews! Part 1: Leadership & Discipline and Part 2: Academics & Culture at the videos below!

Part 1: Leadership & Discipline (with Jim Brady & Carrie Ziegler)

Part 2: Academics & Culture (with Sam Woodruff, Nikki Quallen, and Matt Spradlin)



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