Wilmington City School District has placed a new levy on the November 7, 2023 ballot. The previous levy that had been in place for 20 years was a 1% “Traditional Income Tax” (taxed all Ohio Adjusted Gross Income) and it expired at the end of 2022.
The proposed new levy placed before voters in November will be a 1% “Earned Income Tax”, which does NOT tax retirement income, interest, dividends, capital gains, or social security. Wilmington City School District serves more than 2100 students from a 161 square mile area.
For District financial information, facts, FAQs, and the Board of Education’s plan to address an estimated $5 million dollar deficit if there is no new levy, visit wilmingtoncityschools.com/levy. Questions can be directed to the Treasurer at (937) 382-1641.
District Information
District covers 161 square miles
Serves over 2100 students Preschool-12th
Career Tech Program 7th-12th grade
Thriving FFA Program
Award winning theatre program
Nationally recognized music program
Gifted enrichment
Advanced Placement Courses
College Credit Plus Program
Broad variety of extracurriculars
Employs 312 full-time staff (Teachers, Counselors, Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, Intervention Specialists, Aides, Bus Drivers, Custodians, Cafeteria Workers, Secretaries, Coaches, and other staff to support District operations)