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Community Action Celebrates 60 Years

Community Action (CA) celebrates 60-years of service this year, with Clinton County CA celebrating 59. CA was founded in 1964 as one of the many programs created through President Lyndon B. Johnson’s ‘War on Poverty’ initiative to mobilize human and financial resources to combat poverty. The program was spearheaded by Sargent Shriver who created the first CA agencies to address needs at a community level, creating cost-effective and flexible programming. Clinton County CA offers services for children through seniors, or “cradle to grave” as Executive Director Jane Newkirk says. Program Spotlight:

Aging-Up (Senior) Center: Offers meals and activities to anyone in our community 60-and-up, including group workouts and line dancing. The recently updated Rec Center is available to community members ages 50-and-up for $30 a year.

Senior Transportation Program: Provides transportation for activities, including medical appointments, banking, shopping, fun group outings, and various other needs.

Early Learning Center: A Licensed Childcare Center with degreed teachers. The program operates year-round services for children ages 6-weeks to 5-years-old.

CA Agencies have remained within their mission of making America a better place to live, an initiative that starts at a community level. Learn more at

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