The Clinton County Homeless Coalition met on Thursday January 25, 2024 for their first meeting since the start of the new year.
The CCHC Steering Committee is seeking volunteers with experience setting up 501c3 nonprofits, to help them obtain their 501c3 status while still keeping the current setup of the CCHC. If you would like to volunteer contact Joel at clintoncountyhomelesscoalition@gmail.com.
The Prevention Committee welcomes Kayla Luncan with the Talbert House as their new chair. A meeting about the transition will take place next month, more details to follow.
The Temporary Housing Committee spoke on the "supply and demand" of temporary and long term housing in Clinton County. Following the Homeless Survey they put out, it was found that Clinton County has adequate temporary housing solutions such as drop in shelters, homeless shelters, and funding hotel stays in emergent situations but lacks in long term housing. Stating that currently there are 400 full units in low income long term housing but 700 people on the waiting list. Combatting this the Temporary Housing Committee is looking into options like finding land to build tiny homes on, potentially purchasing an apartment complex, and sending people out to more robust and larger shelters. Focusing on getting "low-risk" families and individuals into permanent housing, to be able to focus on "high-risk" individuals needing housing and other services for mental health and addiction treatment. Finally, they are working with several city departments including the zoning committee and fire department to get their new emergency shelter up to code.

The Service and Resource Committee followed up with the situation at Green Meadows Campground, in which the land was sold and the 34 "active dwelling" residents of the campground were to vacate the premises by the end of 2023. Working with lawyers and the new landlord of Green Meadows they worked out a plan where the residents could pay to receive an extend time to stay (end of March 2024) to get their affairs in order and find housing. Currently out of the 34 active dwellings the Service and Resource Committee is happy to report that they are "low 20's" left in the number of people searching for housing at this time.
The Rapid Rehousing Committee reported that their new grant started on 01/01/2024 and that they are still the access point for Clinton County.
The Clinton County Homeless Shelter reported that since their 35th anniversary celebration in November 2023, they have dedicated two of their shelters, the Men's Shelter is now the Elizabeth J. Looney Men's Shelter and the donation center was dedicated in honor of Molly Dullea. They also reported on the current amount of people staying at the shelter, which is 17 including 4 children.
Finally, the CCHC would like to invite the public to show their support of their "Statement of Compassion" address given by Lee Sandlin at the Wilmington City Council meeting on February 15, 2024 at 7pm.